Differences between men and women in their risk of work injury and disability: A systematic review
Journal article
Biswas A, Harbin S, Irvin E, Johnston H, Begum M, Tiong M, Apedaile D, Koehoorn M, Smith P.
Am J Ind Med. 2022 Jul;65(7):576-588. doi: 10.1002/ajim.23364. Epub 2022 May 16.
Impact of anxiety and depression disorders on sustained return to work after work-related musculoskeletal strain or sprain: a gender stratified cohort study
Journal article
Jones AM, Koehoorn M, Bültmann U, McLeod CB.
Scand J Work Environ Health. 2021 Mar 21:3951. Online ahead of print.
Prevalence and risk factors for anxiety and depression disorders in workers with work-related musculoskeletal strain or sprain in British Columbia, Canada: a comparison of men and women using administrative health data
Journal article
Jones AM, Koehoorn M, Bültmann U, McLeod CB. 2021 Jan 22;oemed-2020-106661. Online ahead of print.
Men and women at work in Canada, 1991–2016
Journal article
Quinn E, Harper A, Rydz E, Smith P, Koehoorn M, Peters C.
Labour & Industry. 2021 Jan 20.
Does gender/sex matter for risk and compensation of activity-related soft tissue disorders?
Research brief investigating gender/sex-based differences in activity-related soft tissue disorders among workers in BC. July 2020.
Does gender/sex matter for risk and compensation of non-traumatic, work-related hearing loss?
Research brief investigating of gender/sex-based differences in work-related hearing loss among workers in BC. July 2020.
Is gender/sex associated with risk and compensation of work-related concussions?
Research brief investigating of gender/sex-based differences in work-related concussions among workers in BC. July 2020.
Gender Differences in Surgery for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Injury: A Population-Based Cohort Study
Journal article
Jones AM, Koehoorn M, McLeod CB.
Healthcare Policy. 2020 Feb;15(3):47-62.
Do Differences in Work Disability Duration Between Men and Women Vary by Province in Canada?
Journal article
Macpherson RA, Koehoorn M, Fan J, Quirke W, Amick BC, Kraut A, Mustard CA, McLeod CB.
J Occup Rehabil. 2019 Sep; 29(3):560-568.
Age, sex, and the changing disability burden of compensated work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Canada and Australia
Journal article
Macpherson R, Lane T, Collie A, McLeod C.
BMC Public Health. 2018;18:758.
Webinar: The Difference Gender and Sex Make to Work Disability Outcomes
July 2016: Mieke Koehoorn will give a webinar on gender, sex, and work disability outcomes July 13, 11am PDT, sponsored by the Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability. Register
PREMUS 2016 Conference
June 2016: Partnership co-directors Mieke Koehoorn and Chris McLeod and PhD student Andrea Jones are at PREMUS 2016 June 20-23 to present on gender and other factors affecting return to work and surgical decision making after work-related musculoskeletal injury.
Gender and risk of work injury/death
June 2016: Mieke Koehoorn quoted in excellent Vancouver Sun Fathers Day article by Douglas Todd on workforce gender segregation & risk of serious injury & death borne by men.
Measuring gender when you don’t have a gender measure: constructing a gender index using survey data
Journal article
Smith P, Koehoorn M.
Int J Equity Health. 2016 May 28;15(1):82.
Gender Inequalities in Access to Health Care among Adults Living in British Columbia, Canada
Socías ME, Koehoorn M, Shoveller J.
Womens Health Issues. 2016 Jan-Feb;26(1):74-9.
Grand Rounds: Bicycling Injury Hospitalization
December 2015: Partnership co-lead Mieke Koehoorn and Kay Teschke will discuss the results of their study of rates of cycling injury hospitalization at Grand Rounds in the UBC School of Population and Public Health on December 4. A live webinar option is available.
The Difference that Sex and Gender Make in Health Research
November 2015: Partnership co-lead Mieke Koehoorn will give a seminar on sex and gender in health research on December 2 as part of the Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences (CHEOS) Work in Progress Seminar Series.
Stay up-to-date on sex and gender research
March 2015: The CIHR Institute for Gender and Health e-newsletter is a great source for news on sex, gender, and health research in Canada. Email to subscribe, or read their most recent article on gender and traumatic brain injury.
Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation in outdoor workers in Canada
March 2015: Partnership PhD student Cheryl Peters will discuss the state of the evidence regarding sun exposure in outdoor workers in Canada at Grand Rounds in the UBC School of Population and Public Health on March 13. A live webinar option is available.
Trainee opportunities in gender and health
May 2013: Partnership PhD student Andrea Jones is attending the first OBEL Gender, Work & Health Summer School at McGill. Those interested in similar opportunities should explore the IGH Community Support Program.
Recommended readings on gender, sex and health
March 2014: Expand your mind with five gender/sex must-reads from Mieke Koehoorn, Partnership Co-lead and CIHR Chair in Gender, Work and Health.
Video: Shaping Science for a Healthier World
January 2014: The CIHR Institute for Gender and Health has created an inspiring video about why gender and sex matter to our health.
Alf Nachemson Memorial Lecture
November 2013: Partnership co-lead Mieke Koehoorn will discuss the contribution of research to informing regulatory and compensation policy in worker health protection in BC at this annual lecture at the Institute for Work & Health in Toronto on Nov. 21.
The role of sex and gender in workplace safety
August 2013: Partnership co-lead Mieke Koehoorn’s work is featured in the Journal of Commerce.
Partnership research on sex and gender featured in WorkSafeBC e-newsletter
July 2013: The Policy and Regulation Division e-newsletter reports on Mieke Koehoorn’s research looking at occupational health and safety and workers’ compensation through the lens of sex and gender.
Mieke Koehoorn: CIHR Chair in Gender, Work and Health
February 2013: Congratulations to Partnership Co-Lead Mieke Koehoorn, who was named a CIHR Chair in Gender, Work and Health.
Upcoming presentation on sex and gender differences in disability duration for work-related injury
October 2012: Partnership co-lead Mieke Koehoorn will speak about differences in disability duration for work-related injuries at the Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research conference in Montreal on Oct. 30. Read more about our work in this area.
New CIHR grant: Gender, Sex, and Work Injury
July 2012: The Partnership has been successful in CIHR’s latest operating grant competition. Three years of funding has been secured to investigate differences in workers’ compensation experiences by sex and gender.
Descriptive epidemiology of serious work-related injuries in British Columbia, Canada
Journal article
Fan J, McLeod C, Koehoorn M. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(6): e38750.
Media release.
Exposure assessment in epidemiology: does gender matter?
Journal article
Kennedy S, Koehoorn M. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2003; 44(6):576-583.