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The Partnership aims to address current and emerging issues of work-related health in BC by developing and promoting the use of routinely collected health and compensation data from WorkSafeBC and a host of other sources via our data partner, Population Data BC. The data allows us to conduct research on the entire working-age population over a 25 year period, providing a unique and comprehensive portrait of the health and well being of BC’s workers.

Our research falls into four broad categories: policy and program evaluation, determinants of work injury and illness, injury and disease surveillance, and data development.

Goals of the program of research

  • To assess the effectiveness of WorkSafeBC policies, regulations and practices in reducing work–related injuries and diseases and in promoting timely and successful return to work.
  • To conduct surveillance of occupational diseases and injuries in BC.
  • To lead the development of WorkSafeBC data for research use in BC and across Canada.

Focus of current and future research

Providing evidence that supports the reduction of serious work injuries and illnesses and that reduces disability duration is a cross-cutting focus of Partnership research. Our current areas of focus include the evaluation of occupational health and safety programs and regulations, gender and sex differences in the risk of work injury, compensation policy, and return to work, and development of a national and international comparative research agenda.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

School of Population and Public Health
2206 East Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604-822-2772
Partnership for Work, Health and Safety
2206 East Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604-822-8544

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