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An occupational health and safety management approach and tool specific to small and micro construction firms


  • The majority of BC’s construction businesses are small (less than 20 employees), micro (less than five employees) or independent contractors (no employees), representing 97%, 87% and 63% of construction businesses, respectively.
  • Small construction businesses typically have higher injury rates than large construction businesses.
  • While participation in occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) programs, such as the Certificate of Recognition (COR®), can help reduce injury rates, such programs are less effective for small businesses.
  • Small and micro construction businesses typically face greater challenges in implementing OHSMS and OHS programs due to limited time and resources.
  • The goal of this project is to create an easy-to-use tool for small businesses to identify the risks and hazards they encounter so they can develop an effective workplace health and safety management plan to address them.


  • We are looking for individuals from small (less than 20 employees) construction businesses to participate in our research to identify the resources smaller businesses need to improve their overall safety records, and to identify current barriers to accessing existing resources.
  • We are conducting confidential, 45-minute expert interviews with individuals who are the most responsible for health and safety at their businesses.
  • Individuals who call UBC and answer eligibility questions will be entered in a draw to win Vancouver hockey tickets.
  • Individuals will receive a $75 honorarium as a thank you for completing expert interviews.
  • Findings from this research will help us to develop a tool to improve the safety of small and micro construction businesses in BC and across Canada.
  • If you are interested in participating in an interview, please:

Contact: If you would like to learn more about this project, please contact Suhail Marino at suhail.marino@ubc.ca or 604-822-0200.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

School of Population and Public Health
2206 East Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604-822-2772
Partnership for Work, Health and Safety
2206 East Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604-822-8544

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